
From Ethereal Superheroes Universe
Revision as of 10:11, 4 December 2023 by ESUFranchise (talk | contribs)

This is the official guideline to the ESU Timeline.

Dawn of Time (15,999,997,977 BC - 13,700,997,977 BC)

To be added.

The Beginning of the Universe (13,700,997,977 BC - 12,300,997,977 BC)

To be added.

Formation of Life (4,999,997,977 BC - 597,977 BC)

To be added.

Rise of Humanity (312,977 BC - present)

Madame Wilhelmina (1765)

  • To be added.

Doctor Hex (1854)

  • To be added.

World War I (1914 - 1918)

  • To be added.

The Ghost (1923)

  • To be added.

World War II (1939 - 1945)

  • To be added.

Purple Bolt (2020 – main events / 2002 - 2009 – first chapter)

Thor (2021)

  • To be added.

The Ethereals (2022)

  • To be added.