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From Ethereal Superheroes Universe
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This is the official guideline to the [[Ethereal Superheroes Universe (franchise)|ESU]] Timeline.
This is the official guideline to the [[Ethereal Superheroes Universe (franchise)|ESU]] Timeline.

== Dawn of Time (15,999,997,977 BC - 13,700,997,977 BC) ==
== Dawn of Time ==
''To be added.''
''To be added.''

== The Beginning of the Universe (13,700,997,977 BC - 12,300,997,977 BC) ==
== The Beginning of the Universe==
''To be added.''
''To be added.''

== Formation of Life (4,999,997,977 BC - 597,977 BC) ==
== Formation of Life==
''To be added.''
''To be added.''

== Rise of Humanity (312,977 BC - present) ==
== Rise of Humanity==

=== ''[[Madame Wilhelmina (book)|Madame Wilhelmina]]'' (1765) ===
=== ''[[Madame Wilhelmina (book)|Madame Wilhelmina]]'' (1765) ===
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* ''To be added.''
* ''To be added.''

=== Pre-World War II (1933 - 1939) ===

==== 1933 ====

* January 30<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Adolf Hitler|Adolf Hitler]] becomes Chancellor of Germany.

==== 1937 ====

* Japanese invasion of Manchuria.

==== 1938 ====

* German Anschluss with Austria.

* September 30<sup>th</sup>
** Treaty of [[W:Munich|Munich]].

=== ''[[W:World War II|World War II]]'' (1939 - 1945) ===
=== ''[[W:World War II|World War II]]'' (1939 - 1945) ===

==== 1939 ====
* ''To be added.''

* March
=== ''[[Purple Bolt (book)|Purple Bolt]]'' (2002 – 2020) ===
** Hitler invades [[W:Czechoslovakia|Czechoslovakia]].
* March – April
** Britain rearms and reassures Poland.
* Late August
** Russia and Germany sign pact.
* September 1<sup>st</sup>
** Hitler invades Poland.
* September 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Britain and France declare war on Germany.

==== September 1939 – May 1940 ====

* "Phoney War."

==== 1940 ====

* April – May
** Hitler invades Denmark and Norway.
* May 10<sup>th</sup>
** Blitzkrieg.
** Chamberlain resigns.
* May 26<sup>th</sup>
** Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo).
* June 11<sup>th</sup>
** Italy enters war on side of Axis powers.
* June 22<sup>nd</sup>
** France signs armistice with Germany.
* July 10<sup>th</sup> – October 31<sup>st</sup>
** Battle of Britain.
* September 22<sup>nd</sup>
** Tripartite Pact.
* December
** British rout Italians in N. Africa.

==== 1941 ====

* Early in the year
** Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia.
* June 22<sup>nd</sup>
** Hitler attacks Russia – Operation Barbarossa.
* December 7<sup>th</sup>
** Pearl Harbor.
* December 8<sup>th</sup>
** Britain and US declare war on Japan.

==== 1942 ====

* April 18<sup>th</sup>
** Doolittle Raiders Bomb Japan.
* June
** Battle of Midway.
* August
** Allies invade N. Africa.
* October 23<sup>rd</sup>
** Battle of El Alamein.
* November
** Battle of Stalingrad.
** Allies push into N. Africa.

==== 1943 ====

* May 12<sup>th</sup>
** Axis surrenders in N. Africa.
* July
** Allies invade Sicily.
* August
** Allies take Sicily.
* September 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Italy surrenders.
* November
** Allies meet at Tehran.

==== 1944 ====

* January
** German siege of Leningrad ends.
* June 5<sup>th</sup>
** Rome liberated.
* June 6<sup>th</sup>
** D-Day in Normandy.
* August 25<sup>th</sup>
** Paris liberated.
* September 8<sup>th</sup>
** V2 Flying Bombs.
* December 16<sup>th</sup>
** Battle of the Bulge Begins.

==== 1945 ====

* March
** Allies cross the Rhine.
* April
** Russians reach Berlin.
* April 28<sup>th</sup>
** Mussolini captured and executed.
* April 30<sup>th</sup>
** Hitler commits suicide.
* May 7<sup>th</sup>
** Germany unconditionally surrenders.
* May 8<sup>th</sup>
** V.E. day.
* July 5<sup>th</sup>
** Churchill loses election.
* July 8<sup>th</sup>
** Russia declares war on Japan.
* August 6<sup>th</sup>
** Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
* August 9<sup>th</sup>
** Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
* August 14<sup>th</sup>
** Japanese surrender.
* September 2<sup>nd</sup>
** MacArthur accepts Japan’s unconditional surrender.

=== ''[[Purple Bolt (book)|Purple Bolt]]'' (2002 – 2020) ===
==== 2002 ====
==== 2002 ====
* September 19<sup>th</sup>
* September 19<sup>th</sup>
** [[Purple Bolt|Jonathan Kayne]] is born to [[Emily Kayne|Emily]] and [[Peter Kayne|Peter]] [[The Kayne Family|Kayne]].
** [[Purple Bolt|Jonathan Kayne]] is born to [[Emily Kayne|Emily]] and [[Peter Kayne|Peter]] [[The Kayne Family|Kayne]].

==== 2007 ====

* November 15<sup>th</sup>
** Peter Kayne does an experiment in his house which causes Jonathan to be struck by lightning.
** Emily Kayne comes home and they take Jonathan to the hospital.
** Jonathan is treated using a set of experimental [[Dr. James Jones' experimental drugs|drugs]].
* November 16<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan wakes up and was let go from the hospital.

==== 2009 ====

* December 20<sup>th</sup>
** Peter and Emily Kayne found [[Kayne Labs]].

==== 2020 ====

* June 26<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne graduates [[Phebridge City High School]].
* October 1<sup>st</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne starts his first year at [[Phebridge City University]].
* October 18<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne begins to experience weird moments he can't explain.
** Jonathan Kayne investigates the issue, by sneaking into his parents' lab, and discovered that his molecular structure had changed to allow him to move faster than any other human being.
* October 19<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne begins training.
* November 19<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne becomes a superhero known as "The Bolt" to the public.

=== ''[[Thor (book)|Thor]]'' (2021) ===
=== ''[[Thor (book)|Thor]]'' (2021) ===

Revision as of 18:02, 8 February 2024

This is the official guideline to the ESU Timeline.

Dawn of Time

To be added.

The Beginning of the Universe

To be added.

Formation of Life

To be added.

Rise of Humanity

Madame Wilhelmina (1765)

  • To be added.

Doctor Hex (1854)

  • To be added.

World War I (1914 - 1918)


  • June 28th
  • July 29th
    • Austria invaded Serbia.
  • August 1st
  • August 2nd
  • August 3rd
    • Germany declared war on France.
  • August 4th
  • August 6th
    • Austria declaration of war on Russia.
  • August 12th
    • French and British declaration of war on Austria-Hungary.
  • August 23rd
  • October 1st
    • The first division of Canadian troops sailed to complete its training in Great Britain.
  • October 21st – November 17th
  • November 2nd
    • Russia and Serbia declared war on Turkey.
  • November 5th
    • Britain and France declared war on Turkey


  • February 11th
    • The first Canadian soldiers land in France.



  • February 1st
    • Germany began unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • April 6th
  • April 9th – May 4th
  • April – May
  • June 26th
  • July 31st – August 9th
    • Germany ended Russia's last offensive.
  • July 31st – November 10th
  • August 20th – December 15th
  • November 27th
    • Supreme Allied War Council established at Versailles.
  • December 5th
    • Russia signed an armistice with Germany.
  • December 7th
    • American Declaration of War on Austria-Hungary.
  • December 15th


The Ghost (1923)

  • To be added.

Pre-World War II (1933 - 1939)



  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria.


  • German Anschluss with Austria.
  • September 30th

World War II (1939 - 1945)


  • March
  • March – April
    • Britain rearms and reassures Poland.
  • Late August
    • Russia and Germany sign pact.
  • September 1st
    • Hitler invades Poland.
  • September 3rd
    • Britain and France declare war on Germany.

September 1939 – May 1940

  • "Phoney War."


  • April – May
    • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway.
  • May 10th
    • Blitzkrieg.
    • Chamberlain resigns.
  • May 26th
    • Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo).
  • June 11th
    • Italy enters war on side of Axis powers.
  • June 22nd
    • France signs armistice with Germany.
  • July 10th – October 31st
    • Battle of Britain.
  • September 22nd
    • Tripartite Pact.
  • December
    • British rout Italians in N. Africa.


  • Early in the year
    • Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia.
  • June 22nd
    • Hitler attacks Russia – Operation Barbarossa.
  • December 7th
    • Pearl Harbor.
  • December 8th
    • Britain and US declare war on Japan.


  • April 18th
    • Doolittle Raiders Bomb Japan.
  • June
    • Battle of Midway.
  • August
    • Allies invade N. Africa.
  • October 23rd
    • Battle of El Alamein.
  • November
    • Battle of Stalingrad.
    • Allies push into N. Africa.


  • May 12th
    • Axis surrenders in N. Africa.
  • July
    • Allies invade Sicily.
  • August
    • Allies take Sicily.
  • September 3rd
    • Italy surrenders.
  • November
    • Allies meet at Tehran.


  • January
    • German siege of Leningrad ends.
  • June 5th
    • Rome liberated.
  • June 6th
    • D-Day in Normandy.
  • August 25th
    • Paris liberated.
  • September 8th
    • V2 Flying Bombs.
  • December 16th
    • Battle of the Bulge Begins.


  • March
    • Allies cross the Rhine.
  • April
    • Russians reach Berlin.
  • April 28th
    • Mussolini captured and executed.
  • April 30th
    • Hitler commits suicide.
  • May 7th
    • Germany unconditionally surrenders.
  • May 8th
    • V.E. day.
  • July 5th
    • Churchill loses election.
  • July 8th
    • Russia declares war on Japan.
  • August 6th
    • Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
  • August 9th
    • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
  • August 14th
    • Japanese surrender.
  • September 2nd
    • MacArthur accepts Japan’s unconditional surrender.

Purple Bolt (2002 – 2020)



  • November 15th
    • Peter Kayne does an experiment in his house which causes Jonathan to be struck by lightning.
    • Emily Kayne comes home and they take Jonathan to the hospital.
    • Jonathan is treated using a set of experimental drugs.
  • November 16th
    • Jonathan wakes up and was let go from the hospital.


  • December 20th


  • June 26th
  • October 1st
  • October 18th
    • Jonathan Kayne begins to experience weird moments he can't explain.
    • Jonathan Kayne investigates the issue, by sneaking into his parents' lab, and discovered that his molecular structure had changed to allow him to move faster than any other human being.
  • October 19th
    • Jonathan Kayne begins training.
  • November 19th
    • Jonathan Kayne becomes a superhero known as "The Bolt" to the public.

Thor (2021)

  • To be added.

The Ethereals (2022)

  • To be added.