The ESU Timeline: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This is the official guideline to the ESU Timeline. == Dawn of Time (15,999,997,977 BC - 13,700,997,977 BC) == ''To be added.'' == The Beginning of the Universe (13,700,997,977 BC - 12,300,997,977 BC) == ''To be added.'' == Formation of Life (4,999,997,977 BC - 597,977 BC) == ''To be added.'' == Rise of Humanity (312,977 BC - present) == === ''Madame Wilhelmina'' (1765) === * ''To be added.'...")
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This ispage represents the official guidelinetimeline toof events that have taken place within the [[Ethereal Superheroes Universe (franchise)|ESU]]. The timeline is split within 4 eras, ''Dawn of Time'', ''The Beginning of the Universe'', ''Formation of Life'', and ''Rise of TimelineHumanity''.
== Dawn of Time (15,999,997,977 BC - 13,700,997,977 BC) ==
''To be added.''
== The Beginning of the Universe (13,700,997,977 BC - 12,300,997,977 BC) ==
''To be added.''
== Formation of Life (4,999,997,977 BC - 597,977 BC) ==
''To be added.''
== Rise of Humanity (312,977 BC - present) ==
=== ''[[Madame Wilhelmina (book)|Madame Wilhelmina]]'' (1765) ===
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=== ''[[W:World War I|World War I]]'' (1914 - 1918) ===
==== 1914 ====
* ''To be added.''
* June 28<sup>th</sup>
** Archduke [[W:Francis Ferdinand|Francis Ferdinand]] of [[W:Austria|Austria]] was assassinated.
** [[W:Austria-Hungary|Austria-Hungary]] declared war on [[W:Serbia|Serbia]].
* July 29<sup>th</sup>
** Austria invaded Serbia.
* August 1<sup>st</sup>
** [[W:Germany|Germany]] declared war on [[W:Russia|Russia]].
* August 2<sup>nd</sup>
** Germany invaded [[W:Luxembourg|Luxembourg]].
* August 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Germany declared war on [[W:France|France]].
* August 4<sup>th</sup>
** Germany invaded [[W:Belgium|Belgium]].
** [[W:Great Britain|Great Britain]] declared war on Germany.
* August 6<sup>th</sup>
** Austria declaration of war on Russia.
* August 12<sup>th</sup>
** French and British declaration of war on Austria-Hungary.
* August 23<sup>rd</sup>
** [[W:Battle of Mons|Battle of Mons]] (British Expeditionary Force)
* October 1<sup>st</sup>
** The first division of [[W:Canadian Army|Canadian troops]] sailed to complete its training in Great Britain.
* October 21<sup>st</sup> – November 17<sup>th</sup>
** Germany failed to reach the [[W:English Channel|English Channel]] in the [[W:First Battle of Ypres|First Battle of Ypres]].
* November 2<sup>nd</sup>
** Russia and Serbia declared war on [[W:Turkey|Turkey]].
* November 5<sup>th</sup>
** Britain and France declared war on Turkey
==== 1915 ====
* February 11<sup>th</sup>
** The first Canadian soldiers land in France.
* April 22<sup>nd</sup> – May 25<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Second Battle of Ypres|The Second Battle of Ypres]].
* April 25<sup>th</sup>
** Landing of British and French troops at [[W:Gallipoli|Gallipoli]].
* April 26<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Treaty of London (1915)|Secret Treaty of London]] between [[W:England|England]], France, Russia, and [[W:Italy|Italy]].
* May – June
** The Actions at [[W:Festubert|Festubert]] and [[W:Givenchy|Givenchy]].
* May 23<sup>rd</sup>
** Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary.
* December 19<sup>th</sup>
** Beginning of the [[W:Allies of World War I|Allied]] withdrawal from Gallipoli.
==== 1916 ====
* February 21<sup>st</sup>
** Beginning of the [[W:Battle of Verdun|Battle of Verdun]].
* May 31<sup>st</sup> – June 1<sup>st</sup>
** [[W:Battle of Jutland|Battle of Jutland]].
* June 2<sup>nd</sup> – June 13<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Battle of Mount Sorrel|The Battle of Mount Sorrel]]
* June 4<sup>th</sup>
** Russia began offensive in eastern [[W:Galicia|Galicia]].
* July 1<sup>st</sup> – November 18<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Battle of the Somme|Battle of the Somme]].
* August 27<sup>th</sup>
** Italy declared war on Germany.
==== 1917 ====
* February 1<sup>st</sup>
** Germany began unrestricted submarine warfare.
* April 6<sup>th</sup>
** The [[W:United States of America|United States]] declared war on Germany.
* April 9<sup>th</sup> – May 4<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Battle of Arras|Battle of Arras]].
* April – May
** [[W:Battle of the Scarpe|Battle of the Scarpe]].
* June 26<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:American Army|American troops]] began landing in France.
* July 31<sup>st</sup> – August 9<sup>th</sup>
** Germany ended Russia's last offensive.
* July 31<sup>st</sup> – November 10<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Third Battle of Ypres|Third Battle of Ypres]].
* August 20<sup>th</sup> – December 15<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Second Battle of Verdun|Second Battle of Verdun]].
* November 27<sup>th</sup>
** Supreme Allied War Council established at [[W:Versailles|Versailles]].
* December 5<sup>th</sup>
** Russia signed an armistice with Germany.
* December 7<sup>th</sup>
** American Declaration of War on Austria-Hungary.
* December 15<sup>th</sup>
** Armistice concluded between the [[W:Central Powers|Central Powers]] and Russia.
==== 1918 ====
* January 8<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:President Wilson|President Wilson]] announced his [[W:Fourteen Points|Fourteen Points]] program for peace.
* March 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Russia signed the [[W:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk|Treaty of Brest-Litovsk]].
* March 21<sup>st</sup>
** Germany launched an offensive along the [[W:Somme (river)|Somme]].
* April 9<sup>th</sup>
** Germany launched an offensive at [[W:Ypres|Ypres]].
* May 27<sup>th</sup>
** Germany launched an offensive on the [[W:Aisne|Aisne]].
* July 15<sup>th</sup> – August 7<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Second Battle of the Marne|Second Battle of the Marne]].
* August 8<sup>th</sup> – August 11<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Battle of Amiens (1918)|The Battle of Amiens]].
* August 21<sup>st</sup> – September 3<sup>rd</sup>
** [[W:Second Battle of the Somme|Second Battles of the Somme]] and of [[W:Second Battle of Arras|Arras]].
* September 26<sup>th</sup>
** The Allies began their final offensive on the [[W:Western Front (World War I)|Western Front]].
* September 29<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Bulgaria|Bulgaria]] signed an armistice.
* November 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Austria signed an armistice.
* November 11<sup>th</sup>
** Germany signed an armistice.
=== '''''[[The Ghost (book)|The Ghost]]'' (1923)''' ===
* ''To be added.''
=== Pre-World War II (1933 - 1939) ===
==== 1933 ====
* January 30<sup>th</sup>
** [[W:Adolf Hitler|Adolf Hitler]] becomes Chancellor of Germany.
==== 1937 ====
* Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
==== 1938 ====
* German Anschluss with Austria.
* September 30<sup>th</sup>
** Treaty of [[W:Munich|Munich]].
=== ''[[W:World War II|World War II]]'' (1939 - 1945) ===
==== 1939 ====
* ''To be added.''
* March
=== ''[[Purple Bolt (book)|Purple Bolt]]'' (2020 – main events / 2002 - 2009 – first chapter) ===
** Hitler invades [[W:Czechoslovakia|Czechoslovakia]].
* March – April
** Britain rearms and reassures Poland.
* Late August
** Russia and Germany sign pact.
* September 1<sup>st</sup>
** Hitler invades Poland.
* September 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Britain and France declare war on Germany.
*==== September 19<sup>th</sup>,1939 2002– May 1940 ====
* "Phoney War."
==== 1940 ====
* April – May
** Hitler invades Denmark and Norway.
* May 10<sup>th</sup>
** Blitzkrieg.
** Chamberlain resigns.
* May 26<sup>th</sup>
** Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo).
* June 11<sup>th</sup>
** Italy enters war on side of Axis powers.
* June 22<sup>nd</sup>
** France signs armistice with Germany.
* July 10<sup>th</sup> – October 31<sup>st</sup>
** Battle of Britain.
* September 22<sup>nd</sup>
** Tripartite Pact.
* December
** British rout Italians in N. Africa.
==== 1941 ====
* Early in the year
** Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia.
* June 22<sup>nd</sup>
** Hitler attacks Russia – Operation Barbarossa.
* December 7<sup>th</sup>
** Pearl Harbor.
* December 8<sup>th</sup>
** Britain and US declare war on Japan.
==== 1942 ====
* April 18<sup>th</sup>
** Doolittle Raiders Bomb Japan.
* June
** Battle of Midway.
* August
** Allies invade N. Africa.
* October 23<sup>rd</sup>
** Battle of El Alamein.
* November
** Battle of Stalingrad.
** Allies push into N. Africa.
==== 1943 ====
* May 12<sup>th</sup>
** Axis surrenders in N. Africa.
* July
** Allies invade Sicily.
* August
** Allies take Sicily.
* September 3<sup>rd</sup>
** Italy surrenders.
* November
** Allies meet at Tehran.
==== 1944 ====
* January
** German siege of Leningrad ends.
* June 5<sup>th</sup>
** Rome liberated.
* June 6<sup>th</sup>
** D-Day in Normandy.
* August 25<sup>th</sup>
** Paris liberated.
* September 8<sup>th</sup>
** V2 Flying Bombs.
* December 16<sup>th</sup>
** Battle of the Bulge Begins.
==== 1945 ====
* March
** Allies cross the Rhine.
* April
** Russians reach Berlin.
* April 28<sup>th</sup>
** Mussolini captured and executed.
* April 30<sup>th</sup>
** Hitler commits suicide.
* May 7<sup>th</sup>
** Germany unconditionally surrenders.
* May 8<sup>th</sup>
** V.E. day.
* July 5<sup>th</sup>
** Churchill loses election.
* July 8<sup>th</sup>
** Russia declares war on Japan.
* August 6<sup>th</sup>
** Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
* August 9<sup>th</sup>
** Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
* August 14<sup>th</sup>
** Japanese surrender.
* September 2<sup>nd</sup>
** MacArthur accepts Japan’s unconditional surrender.
=== ''[[Purple Bolt (book)|Purple Bolt]]'' (2002 – 2020) ===
==== 2002 ====
* September 19<sup>th</sup>
** [[Purple Bolt|Jonathan Kayne]] is born to [[Emily Kayne|Emily]] and [[Peter Kayne|Peter]] [[The Kayne Family|Kayne]].
==== 2007 ====
* November 15<sup>th</sup>
** Peter Kayne does an experiment in his house which causes Jonathan to be struck by lightning.
** Emily Kayne comes home and they take Jonathan to the hospital.
** Jonathan is treated using a set of experimental [[Dr. James Jones' experimental drugs|drugs]].
* November 16<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan wakes up and was let go from the hospital.
==== 2009 ====
* December 20<sup>th</sup>
** Peter and Emily Kayne found [[Kayne Labs]].
==== 2020 ====
* June 26<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne graduates [[Phebridge City High School]].
* October 1<sup>st</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne starts his first year at [[Phebridge City University]].
* October 18<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne begins to experience weird moments he can't explain.
** Jonathan Kayne investigates the issue, by sneaking into his parents' lab, and discovered that his molecular structure had changed to allow him to move faster than any other human being.
* October 19<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne begins training.
* November 19<sup>th</sup>
** Jonathan Kayne becomes a superhero known as "The Bolt" to the public.
=== ''[[Thor (book)|Thor]]'' (2021) ===
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* ''To be added.''