Phase One: The Ethereals: Difference between revisions

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=== [[Doctor Hex (book)|Doctor Hex]] ===
''Arthur Williams, a famous British archaeologist, is sent by the Queen on a mission to verify the claims of a British soldier about Alexander the Great's tomb being found in a buried pyramid in Egypt. Upon arrival, he quickly discovers things aren't as they seem, making him question the nature of reality and its origins.''<ref>{{Reference|link=|title=Doctor Hex - Ethereal Superheroes Universe|pub=[[]]|pub-date=2023-01-07|access-date=2024-02-05}}</ref>
''To be added.''
=== [[The Ghost (book)|The Ghost]] ===
''Tom Abner, sentenced to death after a series of murders, finds himself at the gates of Hell, escorted by a demon to Lucifer's palace. When he's met face-to-face with Lucifer, he's sent back to Earth as a human ghost to fight off and stop criminals and rogue demons, and send them to Hell.''<ref>{{Reference|link=|title=The Ghost - Ethereal Superheroes Universe|pub=[[]]|pub-date=2023-01-07|access-date=2024-02-05}}</ref>
''To be added.''
=== [[The Ethereals (book)|The Ethereals]] ===